Category Archives: Speech Therapist

The study of the disorders of speech, language, voice & swallowing and its corrective treatment is called speech and language therapy. These disorders are very common in children and adults also. There are several causes of speech and language disorders. These include hearing loss, brain injury at an early age, neurological disorders, and intellectual disabilities. People with these disorders must contact a speech therapist Maryland, a state in the United States of America having a population of 6.042 Million, has many children and adults suffering from speech and language disorders.

“Total Speech Therapy” provides the best possible care for people with speech, language, or swallowing disorders. Our team comprises of young, dedicated and professional speech and language therapists and speech pathologists. Led by Ms. Yasminah Abdullah, M.S. CCC-SLP, the team is committed to put in best efforts and cure speech and language disorders. Our team leader is our inspiration. She takes a personal interest in each case and tries to come up with the best solution.

Our team of speech therapists have eliminated geographical limitations. We reach our patients and bring therapy to them. Whether the patients are in school, daycare centers, or adult living centers we reach them to address their needs.

No two persons require the same type of treatment and we are aware of the fact. Our treatment plan is individualized and is designed in conjunction with other health care providers to ensure that the treatment suits best to the individual. Some therapists devise group treatment plans which may or may not cure the disorders.

In order to get the best services of speech pathologist Maryland you should contact us now. We also offer brain injury and stroke therapy, neurological disorder therapy, cleft lip, and palate therapy to the clients. Language and Speech disorders grow with the age and it becomes difficult to cure then. If there are signs that your child has these sorts of disorders, don’t take it as a cute thing. You should not waste time as this can become very serious and cause embarrassment to your child as he/she grows. It can easily be cured at an early age.

You can also contact us online or call 410-696-3301 to get an appointment. We can also guide you on call after knowing all the signs, if your child really needs a speech or language therapy. You can also visit our center in Maryland located at the York Road Towson.

Are you a resident of Maryland and in need of speech therapy, or do you know someone who does? There is a team of speech therapists that have been doing an excellent job for the past several years. The speech therapists are ready to deploy their wealth of experience to serve you. Their areas of specialization are speech, language, cognitive and swallowing disorders.

While other speech pathologists in Maryland will have you come to them, this team of speech therapists is ready to come to you for your convenience. Whether it is your home, daycare facilities, assisted living, at school or even in the hospital, they will gladly travel to you upon your request.

The numerous benefits of speech therapy makes these speech pathologists in Maryland very important. Speech therapy helps to build a person’s communication skills. While many people think speech therapy is only about speech, it is also about language. It helps the patient to understand spoken language and to also express himself better.

Speech therapy also goes beyond articulation of speech. It also helps to develop the patient’s social skills. When the patient’s speech improves, good reading ability typically follows because both communication skills work together. Speech therapy also enhances alternative communication methods, such as using gestures, picture cards, communication books, or speech generating devices to communicate wants and needs.

This team of therapists is led by a highly experienced mobile therapist that has been providing speech therapy for over ten years. For several years she has been working with patients who suffer from speech and language impairment due to dysarthria, aphasia, dysphagia, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injuries, dementia and stroke with expertise, experience and in-depth knowledge of augmentative communication methods.

The lead pathologist offers several comprehensive treatment packages for geriatric patients and adults in the healthcare industry wherever they may be. Despite the high quality of their rehabilitation services, charges are reasonable. The speech therapists are result oriented and they have a proven track record within Maryland and beyond.

These speech therapists’ doors are always open for medical consultation whether you are their patient or not, you are free to contact them for consultation. Every patient has a unique case, so these speech therapists work in conjunction with other healthcare providers to deliver individualized treatment plans.

They are highly professional, courteous and respectful. They offer patients a great amount of empathy, understanding and emotional support.

Kids speech improvement

Disorders that Require Speech Therapy?

Speech is an integral part of communication and without clear speech and voice, people find it hard to fit into the society. It makes them suffer from self-esteem issues along with many communication complexities as well. It may be inborn or caused by a physical injury, a disease or a disorder the person might be suffering from (e.g. stroke, autism, neurological issues etc). This is where a speech therapist can come to help.

Who needs speech therapy?
Voice, pitch, phonation, articulation, breathing, are all parts of speech. Problem with either one of them can affect the quality of the speech. So who really needs Speech Therapy Owings Mills MD?

People with voice disorders
These kinds of disorders occur when something causes the voice to sound breathy, harsh, and/or may affect its pitch and loudness too. Even speech therapy can be used to help with the voice’s resonance which may make people sound as if they are talking through their nose. The voice disorders often cause irritation and discomfort.

People with speech disorders
These problems may be inborn or caused due to some impairments in the vocal channels of the human body. In some cases of impairments that are affecting the speech, a surgical intervention is often needed which is followed by extensive speech therapy to help with the speech issues. Some of the most common speech disorders include articulation, dysarthria, fluency, oral feeding, and apraxia.

People with language disorders
Language disorders often causes problems in listening, expressing, and even remembering words. The speech therapy in such cases should be individualized, targeting the language needs and the condition of the person.

If you are looking for Speech Therapy Owings Mills MD then log in to our website. We provide a variety of speech therapy programs to adults and children.

child-speech therapy


A child with Autism Spectrum Disorder deserves the same chance as any other child to play a part in the social fabric of our world. However, having autism means your child’s very ability to communicate with the outside world can be limited. This is where speech therapy can help. Parents often come to me with concerns such as:

  • My child cannot speak
  • My child makes strange sounds and yells for no reason
  • My child echoes everything I say
  • I cannot communicate with my child
  • I cannot understand what my child is saying

These concerns are of course troubling but addressing them is the first step toward providing your child a chance to be a part of our social world. We will tackle both verbal and nonverbal communication during therapy, since both forms are important in connecting with the environment and other people.

Therapy will be based upon the severity of the communication problem.If speech is difficult for your child than we will start off with other forms of communication to get the ball rolling, such as using pictures to communicate. We can also use electronic Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices that produce audio output based upon what your child inputs.

However, if speech is not the problem but rather the nuances of language than this requires a different approach. Therapy may include helping your child with the social use of language. As speech-language pathologists we are trained on the pragmatics and semantics of language.


Todd speech therapy

Voice Therapy

The ability to use your voice in an effective manner is essential for both business and personal relationships. Voice disorders can make it difficult for people to feel confident about themselves and their ideas, but with some voice therapy you can learn how to control your voice and change the way the world hears you.

Voice disorders include Vocal Cord Dysfunction which is when the vocal cords close when they should be open and in turn give you a scratchy-sounding voice. Chronic coughing and chronic hoarseness are both tough on your vocal cords and make it difficult to carry conversations or conduct presentations. Speech therapy can assist you in managing your voice by learning the right way to breathe and also how to relax your throat in order to produce the voice you want people to hear.


Articulation Therapy

Articulation Therapy

Children say the cutest things like, “Can I pleathe hab a cookie.” Stuff like that is cheek-pinch worthy however this is a sign of a problem and should be addressed early in order to prevent a habit from forming. If you notice your child omitting letters, adding letters or substituting letters in words, an assessment with an SLP is a good idea. This sort of speech issue can be solved a lot more easily the earlier it is addressed.

We Travel To You!

In our years of experience, we have seen significant treatment results when we are able to work with patients in their own environments. Traveling to the patient allows us to interact and work with them in a comfortable and familiar setting, which produces optimal results. Another benefit of having mobile therapists, is that we have an opportunity to communicate with the primary healthcare providers, which enables us to work effectively within the targets set for the patient.

Looking Forward to Hearing From You!

My team and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. You have my personal and professional promise that we will work with you, with the utmost commitment, to provide the best possible care and treatment for your patients.

Yasminah Abdullah, M.S., CCC-SLP