The study of the disorders of speech, language, voice & swallowing and its corrective treatment is called speech and language therapy. These disorders are very common in children and adults also. There are several causes of speech and language disorders. These include hearing loss, brain injury at an early age, neurological disorders, and intellectual disabilities. People with these disorders must contact a speech therapist Maryland, a state in the United States of America having a population of 6.042 Million, has many children and adults suffering from speech and language disorders.
“Total Speech Therapy” provides the best possible care for people with speech, language, or swallowing disorders. Our team comprises of young, dedicated and professional speech and language therapists and speech pathologists. Led by Ms. Yasminah Abdullah, M.S. CCC-SLP, the team is committed to put in best efforts and cure speech and language disorders. Our team leader is our inspiration. She takes a personal interest in each case and tries to come up with the best solution.
Our team of speech therapists have eliminated geographical limitations. We reach our patients and bring therapy to them. Whether the patients are in school, daycare centers, or adult living centers we reach them to address their needs.
No two persons require the same type of treatment and we are aware of the fact. Our treatment plan is individualized and is designed in conjunction with other health care providers to ensure that the treatment suits best to the individual. Some therapists devise group treatment plans which may or may not cure the disorders.
In order to get the best services of speech pathologist Maryland you should contact us now. We also offer brain injury and stroke therapy, neurological disorder therapy, cleft lip, and palate therapy to the clients. Language and Speech disorders grow with the age and it becomes difficult to cure then. If there are signs that your child has these sorts of disorders, don’t take it as a cute thing. You should not waste time as this can become very serious and cause embarrassment to your child as he/she grows. It can easily be cured at an early age.
You can also contact us online or call 410-696-3301 to get an appointment. We can also guide you on call after knowing all the signs, if your child really needs a speech or language therapy. You can also visit our center in Maryland located at the York Road Towson.
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