Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD): A Mystery Yet to Be Resolved

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • 15 November 2021
  • Posted by Yasminah Abdullah, M.S., CCC-SLP
  • Comment

Living healthy has always been a priority for mankind. This is the reason why the health industry is consistently working to bring wonderful solutions to face all kinds of health challenges. Though the research and innovation process has never been stopped, it still has a long way to go to crack the mysteries of many diseases and develop potential solutions. Disorders like Autism still need mountains of research to improve the health of children and adults around the world living with the diagnosis. The exact reason why a child exhibits ASD is unknown but some of the research suggests that it is a combination of genetic, non-genetic, and environmental factors. It is a kind of neurological developmental disorder prevalent in children of 18 months or younger.

What are the symptoms of ASD?

When a baby grows its response to different things in the environment improves. But in the case of a child with autism spectrum disorder, it doesn’t happen in the way it should. ASD limits the ability of a child to communicate well with the world outside. A variety of symptoms can be seen in an autistic child. Here are some of the easily noticeable symptoms which indicate the parent to seek the help of a professional speech therapist:

  • Delayed speech, and communication skills
  • Avoid eye contact
  • Can’t respond to name even after 9 months
  • Getting upset about minor changes
  • Unusual response to sound, test, and smell
  • Making strange noises
  • Unusual mood swing, or reaction
  • Strange eating, and sleeping behavior
  • Hyperactive
  • Restricted movement skills

How is autism spectrum disorder treated?

To be very frank it is a challenge still to be addressed. So, as of now there is no such proven cure available to remedy ASD. However, some therapists such as speech and language therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, occupational therapy, nutritional therapy, and even daily exercises do a lot to dissipate the symptoms of ASD. Routines including the multiple therapy suggestions listed above along with developing a routine, daily exercise, and curating positive habits as children grow into adulthood may help those diagnosed with ASD lead a fairly normal life, depending on the severity. No two cases are alike so some may need individualized care more than others. Parents, getting advice and consultation from medical professionals will always be our advice to you because some unconventional methods, if not done correctly for your child’s needs, may create trauma for your child and hinder their overall potential growth and development.

Very often it is difficult to identify ASD only from the appearance but may have a significant impact on a person’s speech, and activity. This makes speech and language therapy an important treatment option. Please do some research to make sure you get an experienced speech therapist for your child to see effective results. Total Speech Therapy with a team of professional autism therapists in Baltimore providing the best care to people suffering from ASD. The one-on-one therapy sessions in conjunction Awith a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment plans have brought a lot of honors, and awards for them. Total Speech Therapy is an autism therapy center in Maryland that strives to provide children help with their speech and language development in their very own educational (childcare centers, special programs, etc) and home environments (depending on COVID-19 company restrictions). Call 410-696-3301 or email to talk to a Speech-Language Therapist and book a free consultation.

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