Category Archives: Speech Therapy For Childern

Speech is an integral part of human communication, and so when a child struggles with this area, it can significantly impact their overall development. Phonological delays, a type of speech disorder, can make it challenging for children to articulate words correctly, affecting their ability to be understood and their confidence. At Total Speech Therapy, we specialize in advanced phonological delay therapy in Houston and Baltimore. Our skilled staff is committed to transforming lives through tailored, evidence-based therapy, enabling children to communicate clearly and confidently.

Understanding Phonological Delay

Phonological delay involves a child having difficulty acquiring the sound system of their language in a typical timeframe. This condition differs from articulation disorders, as it centers on the child’s understanding and application of sound patterns rather than the physical production of sounds. Children who have phonological delays frequently replace, omit, or distort sounds, making their speech hard to comprehend.

Identifying Phonological Delay: Key Signs

Early identification of phonological delays is crucial for effective intervention. Look out for these common signs:

  • Consistent errors in sound patterns, such as replacing all “s” sounds with “th” sounds.
  • Simplifying terms that are difficult to understand, for example, saying “poon” instead of “spoon.”
  • Omitting sounds, such as saying “bu” instead of “bus.”
  • Difficulty being understood by people outside the immediate family.

If your child exhibits these symptoms, seeking professional evaluation and intervention is essential.

Why Total Speech Therapy Stands Out?

Total Speech Therapy is dedicated to providing top-tier care for children with phonological delays. We are the go-to option for several families for the following reasons:

1. Highly Qualified Therapists: Our team consists of highly trained and experienced speech-language pathologists specializing in phonological delay therapy. They are continuously updated with the latest research and therapeutic techniques to deliver the best care possible.

2. Customized Treatment Plans: Recognizing that each child is unique, we conduct thorough assessments to design personalized treatment plans. These plans address the specific needs and goals of each child, ensuring effective and targeted therapy.

3. Collaborative Family Approach: We believe in a holistic approach that involves families in the therapy process. Parents receive training and resources to support their child’s progress at home, creating a cohesive and reinforcing therapy environment.

4. Cutting-Edge Facilities: Our clinics in Houston and Baltimore are equipped with advanced tools and technology, providing a conducive environment for effective therapy sessions.

Our Comprehensive Therapy Process

Our therapy process is structured yet adaptable to meet the evolving needs of each child. Here’s an in-depth look:

1.  Comprehensive Assessment: The journey begins with a comprehensive evaluation to understand the child’s speech and language abilities. This includes standardized tests, observational play, and parent interviews to gather a full picture of the child’s needs.

2. Goal Setting: Based on the assessment, our therapists set specific, measurable, and achievable goals in collaboration with the parents. This ensures clarity and alignment in the therapy objectives.

3. Intensive Therapy Sessions: Regular therapy sessions focus on a range of activities tailored to address phonological delays. Techniques may include minimal pair therapy, auditory discrimination tasks, and phonological awareness activities, all designed to enhance the child’s understanding and use of sound patterns.

4. Continuous Progress Monitoring: We closely monitor the child’s progress, adjusting the therapy plan as needed to ensure continuous improvement. Regular feedback sessions keep parents informed and involved in their child’s development.

5. Home Practice Integration: To reinforce the skills learned in therapy, parents are provided with exercises and activities to practice at home. This collaborative effort between therapists and families maximizes the effectiveness of the therapy.

Take the First Step Today

If your child is experiencing phonological delays, early intervention is crucial. At Total Speech Therapy, we are here to provide the expert care your child needs. Phonological delays can significantly impact a child’s ability to communicate and their overall confidence. However, with the right support and intervention, children can overcome these challenges and thrive. Our cutting-edge phonological delay therapy in Houston and Baltimore is designed to unlock your child’s full potential, ensuring they can communicate effectively and confidently. Don’t let phonological delays hinder your child’s growth—reach out to us today and embark on the path to improved speech and brighter futures. Don’t wait to help your child achieve clear and confident speech. Call us at 713-489-6697 (Houston) or 410-696-3301 (Baltimore) to schedule a consultation. For additional information, send an email to

Speech is not merely a form of communication; it’s a fundamental tool for expression, connection, and development, especially for children. Pediatric speech therapy plays a crucial role in nurturing young voices and addressing speech and language challenges that may arise during a child’s formative years. In this exploration, we will delve into the significance of early intervention, the spectrum of speech challenges faced by children, and the transformative services offered by experts in the field.

The Significance of Pediatric Speech Therapy

Early Intervention: Pediatric speech therapy focuses on addressing communication issues early in a child’s life. Early intervention is key, as it can significantly impact a child’s overall development, social interactions, and academic success. Identifying and addressing speech concerns in the early stages allows for more effective and efficient treatment, setting the stage for a brighter future.

Holistic Development: Speech therapy for children goes beyond mere correction of speech sounds. It encompasses a holistic approach that considers language development, social communication skills, and oral-motor coordination. By nurturing these aspects, pediatric speech therapy contributes to a child’s overall well-being and confidence.

Common Speech Challenges in Children

Articulation Disorders: Articulation disorders involve difficulties in forming or pronouncing specific speech sounds. This may have an impact on a child’s ability to communicate with peers and adults, which may have an effect on social interactions and self-esteem.

Language Delays: Language delays can manifest as challenges in understanding or using words and sentences appropriately for a child’s age. This may result in difficulties in expressing thoughts, understanding instructions, and forming meaningful connections.

Phonological Disorders: Phonological disorders relate to difficulties in organizing and using speech sounds within a language. Children with phonological disorders may substitute, omit, or distort sounds, affecting their overall intelligibility.

Orofacial Myofunctional Issues: Orofacial myofunctional issues involve improper functioning of the muscles and structures in the face and mouth. This can impact speech, swallowing, and facial development.

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Children on the autism spectrum often face unique challenges in communication. Pediatric speech therapy plays a vital role in supporting language development, social communication, and pragmatic skills for these individuals.

Total Speech Therapy: Nurturing Young Voices in Baltimore, Maryland

Voice Therapy: Total Speech Therapy offers specialized voice therapy for children, addressing issues such as vocal nodules, hoarseness, and pitch disorders. The goal is to help children develop a clear, strong, and age-appropriate voice.

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy: Total Speech Therapy provides orofacial myofunctional therapy, addressing concerns related to tongue placement, swallowing patterns, and oral-motor coordination. This holistic approach supports not only speech development but also overall facial harmony.

Autism: Total Speech Therapy offers specialized Autism Therapy programs for children on the autism spectrum, concentrating on the improvement of communication skills, social interactions, and pragmatic language use. These customized interventions are meticulously tailored to address the distinctive needs of each child, ensuring a comprehensive approach to Autism Therapy that fosters meaningful progress in speech and language development.

Language Therapy: Language therapy at Total Speech Therapy covers a spectrum of language challenges, including expressive and receptive language delays. The focus is on fostering age-appropriate language skills and supporting academic success.

Cleft Lip and Palate Therapy: Children with cleft lip and palate may face challenges in speech production. Total Speech Therapy provides targeted interventions to address articulation and resonance issues, promoting clear and effective communication.

Phonological Delay Therapy: Specializing in Phonological Delay Therapy, Total Speech Therapy focuses on organizing and utilizing speech sounds within a language. This tailored service is designed to address phonological disorders, aiming to enhance overall intelligibility and improve communication effectiveness.

Articulation Speech Therapy: Articulation therapy focuses on correcting speech and sound errors, enabling children to communicate more effectively and confidently. Total Speech Therapy employs evidence-based approaches to address articulation challenges.

Total Speech Therapy – A Beacon of Support

In the realm of pediatric speech therapy, Total Speech Therapy stands as a beacon of support for children and their families in Baltimore, Maryland. By offering a comprehensive range of services, including voice therapy, orofacial myofunctional therapy, autism support, language therapy, cleft lip and palate therapy, phonological delay therapy, and articulation speech therapy, Total Speech Therapy ensures that every child receives personalized and effective interventions.

Nurturing young voices is not just a slogan for Total Speech Therapy; it’s a commitment to the well-being and success of each child. If you find your child facing speech or language challenges, consider reaching out to Total Speech Therapy in Baltimore, where experts are dedicated to unlocking the full potential of every young voice. With their guidance, your child can embark on a journey of communication success, building a foundation for a lifetime of confident expression and connection.

Parenthood is a journey filled with joy, challenges, and countless milestones. One of the most critical milestones in a child’s development is the acquisition of language and communication skills. While many children naturally progress through these stages, others may face speech and language challenges that require intervention. Pediatric speech therapy is a specialized field dedicated to helping children overcome these challenges and develop essential communication skills. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the importance of pediatric speech therapy, when to seek help, what to expect during therapy sessions, and how parents and caregivers can support their child’s speech and language development journey.

Why Is Pediatric Speech Therapy Important?

Effective communication is fundamental to a child’s development and overall well-being. Language and communication skills are not only essential for expressing needs and desires but also for social interaction, academic success, and building strong relationships. Pediatric speech therapy serves several crucial purposes:

  • Early Intervention: Identifying and addressing speech and language issues early can prevent more significant challenges in the future. Pediatric speech therapists work with children as young as a few months old to promote healthy communication development.
  • Enhanced Academic Performance: Strong language skills are the foundation of reading, writing, and academic success. Children who receive speech therapy are better prepared for success in school.
  • Improved Social Interaction: Communication is at the heart of building friendships and meaningful connections with others. Speech therapy helps children engage more effectively in social interactions.
  • Boosted Self-Esteem: Overcoming communication challenges through therapy can boost a child’s self-confidence and sense of self-worth.

When Should You Seek Pediatric Speech Therapy?

Every child develops at their own pace, and it’s essential to remember that there is a wide range of “normal” in speech and language development. However, there are certain signs that may indicate a need for pediatric speech therapy:

Late Speech Milestones: If a child is significantly behind their peers in reaching speech and language milestones, it may be time to seek help. These milestones include babbling, saying their first words, and forming sentences.

  • Difficulty Pronouncing Sounds: Persistent difficulty in pronouncing sounds or words, especially past a certain age, can be a sign of a speech disorder.
  • Limited Vocabulary: If a child has a limited vocabulary or struggles to understand and use words appropriately for their age, this may be a concern.
  • Stuttering: Stuttering is common in young children as they develop their language skills. However, if it persists beyond the preschool years, it may warrant evaluation and therapy.
  • Difficulty Following Directions: If a child consistently has trouble following instructions, it could indicate a language processing disorder.
  • Communication Challenges Related to Medical Conditions: Some medical conditions, such as hearing loss or autism, can impact a child’s communication abilities. In such cases, early intervention with a pediatric speech therapist is vital.

          The Role of the Pediatric Speech Therapist

          Pediatric speech therapists are highly trained professionals who specialize in working with children to improve their speech and language skills. Here are some key aspects of their role:

          • Assessment: The therapist begins by conducting a comprehensive assessment to identify the child’s specific speech and language challenges. This assessment may include standardized tests, observations, and interviews with the child and their family.
          • Individualized Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment, the therapist develops a personalized treatment plan tailored to the child’s unique needs and goals.
          • Therapy Sessions: Therapy sessions typically involve various activities and exercises designed to target specific speech and language goals. These sessions are designed to be engaging and fun to keep the child motivated.
          • Parent/Caregiver Involvement: Parents and caregivers play a vital role in their child’s progress. Pediatric speech therapists often provide guidance and strategies for families to use at home to reinforce what the child learns in therapy.
          • Progress Monitoring: Progress is continually monitored, and the treatment plan may be adjusted as the child makes improvements.

                What to Expect During Pediatric Speech Therapy

                Parents and caregivers may wonder what a typical pediatric speech therapy session looks like. While each session is tailored to the child’s specific needs, here are some common elements:

                • Engaging Activities: Therapy sessions often incorporate games, toys, and activities that are enjoyable for the child. These activities are carefully designed to target specific speech and language skills.
                • Positive Reinforcement: Therapists use positive reinforcement to motivate and encourage children. This can include praise, rewards, and a supportive and nurturing environment.
                • Speech Sound Practice: If the child has difficulty pronouncing sounds or words, the therapist will work on these specific speech sounds during the session.
                • Language and Communication Activities: Therapy sessions may also focus on improving vocabulary, sentence structure, comprehension, and expressive language skills.
                • Parent/Caregiver Training: Involving parents and caregivers in the therapy process is essential. Therapists provide guidance on how to support the child’s communication development at home.

                    Supporting Your Child’s Speech and Language Development at Home

                    While pediatric speech therapy is a crucial part of a child’s development, parents and caregivers also play a significant role in supporting their progress. Here are some tips for supporting your child’s speech and language development at home:

                    • Engage in Conversation: Talk to your child regularly, even from a very young age. Engage in conversations, ask questions, and listen attentively to their responses.
                    • Read Together: Reading to your child is one of the most effective ways to promote language development. Choose age-appropriate books and make it a daily routine.
                    • Expand Vocabulary: Introduce new words and concepts during everyday activities. Describe objects, actions, and feelings to enrich your child’s vocabulary.
                    • Be Patient: If your child is working on specific speech sounds, be patient and provide opportunities for practice without pressure.
                    • Limit Screen Time: Excessive screen time can hinder language development. Set limits on screen time and encourage real-world interactions instead.
                    • Play Together: Play is a natural way for children to learn and develop language skills. Play games, use puppets, and engage in imaginative play with your child.

                            Pediatric speech therapy is a valuable resource for children who face speech and language challenges. It provides them with the tools and support they need to develop effective communication skills, boost their confidence, and thrive academically and socially. Parents and caregivers are essential partners in this journey, and by working together with pediatric speech therapists, children can achieve their full potential in speech and language development. Remember that seeking help early can make a significant difference in a child’s progress, so if you have concerns about your child’s speech and language development, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified pediatric speech therapist.

                            Communication is a vital aspect of a child’s development, influencing their relationships, academic achievements, and overall well-being. However, some children face speech and language difficulties that can hinder their progress. Early intervention in speech therapy holds the key to overcoming these challenges and empowering children to thrive.

                            Let’s explore the profound importance of early intervention in speech therapy. Focusing on pediatric speech therapy, autism therapy, and phonological delay therapy, we will uncover how timely intervention equips children with the tools they need for confident communication, discover specialized approaches, the role of dedicated professionals, and the transformative outcomes achievable through timely intervention. The Early intervention addresses speech and language delays during critical developmental stages. Research consistently highlights its significant benefits, allowing children to overcome communication barriers and reach their full potential. By recognizing signs and seeking support from speech pathologists, parents can provide their children with the gift of effective communication.

                            I. The Developmental Importance of Early Intervention

                            Early intervention is vital as it aims to address speech and language delays during the critical period of a child’s development. Research consistently demonstrates that early intervention can significantly improve outcomes in communication skills, social interactions, and academic success. Language and communication skills serve as the foundation for a child’s overall development and future success in various areas of life.

                            Children learn and develop their speech and language skills rapidly in the first few years of life. During this period, their brains are highly receptive to language input, making it an optimal time for intervention. By providing early intervention, speech therapists can help children overcome communication challenges and promote healthy development. Early intervention focuses on identifying and addressing speech and language difficulties as soon as possible before they have a significant impact on a child’s academic, social, and emotional well-being.

                            II. Recognizing the Signs and Red Flags

                            Parents and caregivers should be aware of common signs and red flags that indicate a potential speech or language delay in children. These may include limited vocabulary, difficulty understanding instructions, speech sound errors, and challenges with social interactions. Trusting your instincts as a parent and seeking professional advice when concerned about your child’s speech and language development is crucial.

                            Early identification of speech and language difficulties allows for timely intervention, enabling speech therapists to create individualized treatment plans. The earlier the intervention, the more effective it can be in helping children overcome their challenges and reach their full communication potential.

                            III. The Role of Pediatric Speech Therapy

                            Pediatric speech therapy focuses on evaluating, diagnosing, and treating speech and language disorders in children. In Maryland, Baltimore, and Houston, parents have access to expert pediatric speech therapists who specialize in providing early intervention services. These therapists possess the knowledge, skills, and experience to work with children of various ages and communication needs.

                            Pediatric speech therapists employ evidence-based techniques and develop individualized treatment plans tailored to each child’s specific challenges. They work closely with families to understand their concerns, set achievable goals, and provide ongoing support throughout the therapy process. Through a combination of therapy sessions, play-based activities, and home exercises, pediatric speech therapists empower children to improve their communication skills and gain confidence in their abilities.

                            IV. Autism Therapy: Early Intervention for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

                            Autism therapy is particularly essential in early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Baltimore offers specialized interventions targeting the unique communication challenges faced by individuals with ASD. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. Early identification and intervention are crucial in supporting children with ASD in their communication development.

                            Autism therapy focuses on building functional communication skills, improving social interactions, and reducing communication-related anxiety. Speech therapists trained in autism therapy employ various techniques, such as visual supports, social stories, and social skill training, to address the specific needs of children with ASD. By providing early intervention, speech therapists play a vital role in equipping children with the tools they need to navigate the world and communicate effectively.

                            V. Phonological Delay Therapy: Addressing Speech and Sound Disorders

                            Phonological delay therapy is designed to address speech sound disorders, including articulation and phonological processing difficulties. Houston provides specialized therapy services for children with phonological delays, helping them develop accurate speech sounds. production, and intelligibility. Phonological delays occur when children have difficulty organizing and producing the sounds of their language.

                            Early intervention through phonological delay therapy can prevent long-term speech difficulties and enhance a child’s overall communication skills. Speech therapists trained in phonological delay therapy use a systematic approach to identify and target specific sound errors. Through targeted practice, feedback, and reinforcement, children can improve their articulation, phonological awareness, and speech intelligibility.

                            VI. The Role of Speech Pathologists in Early Intervention

                            Speech pathologists, also known as speech-language pathologists, play a vital role in early intervention. These professionals possess expertise in assessing and treating speech and language disorders in children. Speech pathologists in Houston, Baltimore, and Maryland work closely with families, developing individualized therapy plans to meet each child’s specific needs.

                            In early intervention, speech pathologists conduct comprehensive assessments to identify speech and language difficulties and determine appropriate intervention strategies. They provide evidence-based therapy techniques, facilitate communication development through play-based activities, and educate parents on strategies to support their child’s progress outside of therapy sessions. The collaborative partnership between speech pathologists, children, and families is essential to achieving optimal outcomes in early intervention.

                            Early intervention in speech therapy is a critical component in helping children overcome speech and language difficulties. By seeking the expertise of pediatric speech therapists in Maryland and Houston, parents can ensure that their child receives the necessary support and guidance during their developmental years. Whether it’s addressing autism spectrum disorder, phonological delays, or other speech sound disorders, early intervention sets the foundation for improved communication skills, social interactions, and overall success in life.

                            Remember, the sooner the intervention, the greater the potential for positive outcomes. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you have concerns about your child’s speech and language development. Through early intervention, children can unlock their communication potential, gain confidence, and thrive in all aspects of their lives.

                            A parent’s responsibilities are extensive. They are guiding their children to become the best people they can be. However, getting a diagnosis of speech and language difficulties can be devastating for a family. This is the hardest time for both the child and their parents. The child needs high quality speech therapy and a lot of patience and support from their parents as they go through speech therapy.

                            There are many things you can do to help your child through each stage of Speech Therapy. We are professionals in Baltimore and Houston who work with kids of all ages, and we’d love to share some tips with you to help your kid succeed.

                            How Can a Parent Help During Speech Therapy? 

                            It can be nerve-racking taking your child to a Speech Pathologist for the first time, no matter what age they are. It can be intimidating to put yourself out there and interact with new people and explore unfamiliar environments. As a parent, your first task in Speech Therapy will be to help your child become accustomed to his or her new surroundings.

                            Home practice is the next step in the parent’s role in speech therapy, which will help your child get closer to his or her objectives. If you’re a parent just starting out on the road to Speech Therapy, read on for some advice from us.

                            Helpful Steps Parents Can Take During Their Child’s Speech Therapy 

                            Offer Encouragement and Help  

                            The best thing you can do to help your child succeed in Speech Therapy is to encourage and support them. Motivate and excite your child about their upcoming Speech Therapy sessions while you’re in the car together. Show your child that you are proud of the progress they are making in the therapy session by taking an active role when necessary.

                            Develop a Schedule and Stick to it

                            Speech therapy is most effective when it is combined with regular appointments and home practice. Parents should establish and maintain at-home routines that include time for speech therapy practice activities. Some of these activities may be as straightforward as having regular conversations with your kid or reading aloud from a word list. Your child’s Speech Pathologist will advise you on the most beneficial home practice based on their specific needs.

                            Investing at least 30 minutes per day into speech therapy practice is strongly suggested. Stop worrying about how “perfect” it is. The time or location of speech practice is not predetermined in any way. It is possible to complete even while your child is using the restroom. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be completed.

                            Applaud their SMALL Success  

                            Your child will have successes and milestones in Speech Therapy along the way. They’ll also be successful in the real world, whether at the supermarket or in the classroom. You should rejoice when success finally comes your way. Celebrating and praising your child’s progress in Speech Therapy will not only encourage them to continue with their therapy but will also boost their self-esteem.

                            There will be days when your child is struggling with Speech Therapy and may feel frustrated with themselves and others. So on the good days, rejoice with them and let them know how proud you are of their progress.

                            Keep an Eye Out for Signs that Your Child Needs a Break

                            While we do advocate for regular and frequent Speech Therapy sessions, we also recognize that a short break from therapy may be beneficial for some children. Your child will be much more motivated to continue working with their Speech Pathologist if they are able to apply what they have learned in between appointments.

                            When in Doubt, Get Help From Outside

                            Besides speech therapists, many other members of the Allied Health Professions can help your child along the way. For optimal treatment and results, your doctor may suggest involving specialists like psychologists, OTs, PTs, audiologists, and pediatricians. When this type of assistance is suggested from without, it is crucial that it be investigated and pursued.

                            Be Mindful of your Health and Happiness

                            As professionals, we at Total Speech Therapy understand how difficult it can be to prioritize your own well-being while also taking care of your children, other family members, and yourself, while also keeping up with their schedules for speech therapy and other activities. Although you have a lot going on, don’t forget to put your own health and happiness first. Even if you’ve had a rough week, remember that your child and family rely on you. In times of need, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance and make use of the resources available to you in your network.

                            Seeking additional information on pediatric speech therapy? Call 410-696-3301 or email Yasminah at to make an appointment to learn more about the speech therapy sessions that your child will go through so that you are ready for the road ahead.

                            Children develop different skills much faster during their first couple of years. Just in a matter of months, they learn to crawl, walk, talk, and even to socialize with others. Every passing month your child reaches a specific milestone, For example, a majority of babies begin to crawl between 6 to 10 months of age and by 16 months they can walk on their own.

                            The same is true when it comes to speech. By the age of 1, your child should say their first word and about 5 or more words by 18 months. If you find your child is unable to reach these targets, don’t panic. The pace of learning of each child is different. Some are quicker and some are comparatively slow. Your child may be slower than his or her peers in developing language skills. Be patient and try to communicate with the child as much as possible to develop the skill. If nothing works, then you can largely benefit from working with a speech therapist.

                            If your child is having difficulties with speech, language, swallowing, or cognition, come see us at Total Speech Therapy. We offer a welcoming and friendly environment for children that can help them develop the essential skills they need to lead a fulfilling life. Our expertise & unique approach to addressing a variety of issues related to speech will immensely help your child to learn quickly.

                            Support for speech and language: 

                            Speech therapy from an expert can help your child develop their speech and language skills. In some places though speech and language overlap, the two are slightly different when looked at at an acute level. Children may have difficulty either with speaking or language, or both that a speech therapist can ascertain and take the best approach to improve the child’s communication skills.

                            Working With Speech: 

                            Speech involves 3 things and they are articulation, voice, and fluency. A child needs all three aspects of speech to work together for effective verbal skills. Articulation skills help our lips, tongue, and mouth to move in a way to produce certain speech sounds. A child with a problem in this area may find it difficult to produce certain letters such as “r” or “th”. Voice is a function that uses breath and vocal folds to make sounds. It is not always necessary for your child to be loud, but they should be able to speak at an understandable volume. Fluency is also an important aspect of speech. Children struggling with fluency may stutter or stammer.

                            Working With Language:

                            Language is a skill that refers to the use of words and how they are being used to share your ideas. Language includes 4 aspects and that is speaking, understanding, reading, and writing. A child with a language disorder may have difficulties with one or more of these skills.

                            Let’s Understand Language:

                            Understanding the meaning of a word is important. Some words have more than one meaning and the same word can give different meanings depending on its use. A child lacking this ability will have trouble understanding what others say. It is called receptive language disorder while having problems sharing our thoughts, ideas, and feelings is called expressive language disorder.

                            When is it time to see a speech therapist?

                            As mentioned before, every child develops speech and language skills at their own pace. However, if you notice your child is not at all or grasping things very very slowly, it may be time to consult a speech therapist and plan speech therapy as soon as possible. Following are some of the aspects to evaluate your child:

                            1. A child uses less than 20 words at 18 months and less than 50 words by age 2
                            2. A child uses only a few sounds to pronounce all words
                            3. A child is having trouble understanding simple sentences by age 2 
                            4. A child speaks infrequently and doesn’t use appropriate social language
                            5. A child speaks an unclear or immature speech

                            When a child shows one or more such behaviors mentioned above then it might be time to book an appointment with a speech therapist. If you’re concerned about any of these issues in your child then go for a quick assessment.

                            At Total Speech Therapy, our speech specialists provide one-on-one therapy that can help your child improve and master their speech and language skills. We are one of the leading speech and language therapy centers in Baltimore and Houston helping children alleviate any the conditions such as Autism, Developmental delays, Cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, Dysphagia, etc. Visit for more information and call 410-696-3301 to book an appointment over the phone today.

                            For those people who have trouble to communicate, speech therapy is the most viable option for their treatment. This therapy intends to treat their disorder in an effective way. In this therapy, the focal points are patient’s ability to express themselves in words or to understand and comprehend what is being communicated to them.

                            Some of the most common reasons that result in speech impairments include:

                            • Aftermath of any disease
                            • Result of a previous medical treatment
                            • An Accident

                            An appropriate treatment method is suggested by the physician after thoroughly examining the patient and knowing the root cause of the problem. There is also a section of people with a speech impairment who are born with this disability.

                            In speech therapy, depending on the condition of the patient, they are taught about sign languages. Moreover, they may also be suggested to use a communication device that can help to restore their basic communication skills, which is the main purpose of this therapy.

                            It is to be noted that numerous health care centers offer such services for patients with different speech impairments. Thus, if you are residing in Baltimore, you can easily find a health care center for speech therapy service, Baltimore. However, you must rely on the one that offers the most professional services. For this purpose, a little effort and research are required on your part to find the best speech therapy service in your city.

                            If your little one is suffering from such a disorder, it is firmly recommended to find a healthcare center that offers Children Speech therapy, Baltimore, and get an appointment. Therapists, in such a center, will help to restore their communication skills after understanding the reason behind their impairment.

                            Speech pathology is the clinical practice specializing in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of communication, cognitive communication, voice, and swallowing disorders. Speech pathology plays a critical role in the diagnosis and treatment of people along the autism spectrum. Not only focused on correcting a person’s sound articulation, speech pathologists address a broad scope of speech language, swallowing, and voice issues including the following:


                            • Word finding and other semantic issues
                            • Stuttering
                            • Social communication skills
                            • Autism
                            • Swallowing disorders such as dysphagia and feeding issues
                            • Apraxia of speech
                            • Dysphonia, hypophonia and abnormal vocal quality
                            • Language-based learning disabilities
                            • Structural language impairments
                            • Literacy impairments
                            • Cognitive impairments 

                            Among the most effective and caring speech pathologists in Maryland, Total Speech Therapy’s highly experienced speech pathologists provide exceptional adult and pediatric speech therapy for patients throughout Maryland.

                            Children especially can sometimes experience difficulty understanding the uses of various parts of speech and master all the intricacies of the spoken word. A professional speech therapist addresses the parts of speech that are difficult for a child to comprehend and focuses on those areas that will enable the development of vocal and literacy skills as the child grows up. Total Speech Therapy’s speech pathologists are fully licensed, certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, and have received a certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology.

                            Understanding that not every patient can visit the offices for their treatments, Total Speech Therapy brings treatment to them. For homebound patients or those at adult living centers, in the hospital, or at school or daycare facilities without transportation, the practice visits patients where they are to deliver treatments and care.

                            Total Speech Therapy is a professional speech and language therapy practice located in Towson, Maryland. The innovative practice is committed to providing the best possible care and results for people who suffer from speech, language, cognitive, or swallowing disorders. Its team of experienced professionals offers individualized, comprehensive, top-quality outpatient services design to achieve optimum results.

                            Many parents worry about whether or not their children are developing according to standard guidelines; in some cases, it’s simply a case of being anxious about the potential for late development, and in other cases the child din question may actually benefit from the inter-vention of a speech therapist. Let’s take a closer look at 3 signs that your child may benefit from seeing a speech therapist.

                            Sign #1:Your toddler can’t be understood by you or other close relatives

                            If your child is aged 18 months to 2 years, you and your spouse should be able to understand what they are saying, along with anyone else who spends a significant amount of time with your child. But if you and other people familiar with your child are unable to understand what they say at this stage, it may indicate a speech disorder and a need for a speech therapist Maryland.

                            Sign #2:Your child can’t combine a pair of words

                            By the age of 2, children should be able to combine 2 words together; these combinations form the earliest forms of sentences for children. These combinations are usually expressions of what the child wants, as well as expressions of affection. Examples include: “Pick up,” “My toy,” “Love doggy,” and so on. Children who haven’t accomplished this by the age of 2 may be in need of a speech pathologist Maryland.

                            Sign #3:Your child has difficulty with certain sounds by the age of 4

                            By the age of 3 and 4, most children should be able to pronounce soft and hard sounds in a way that can be understood by adults, even if their pronunciation of the word is not exact. If your child is finding it difficult to pronounce these sounds at 3 or 4, they may benefit from seeing a speech therapist.

                            When you’re considering having your child see a speech therapist Owings Mills, MD, there are some things you need to know. The following are 3 important things to keep in mind when you are thinking about having your child visit a speech therapist Owings Mills, MD.

                            #1: You need to talk with your child’s therapist about expectations

                            It can be easy to have unrealistic expectations regarding speech therapy for children, but remember that every child is different. Each child may progress differently, and not every child will be able to benefit from certain types of therapy. Some children may require different approaches than others. It’s important to talk frequently with your child’s therapist about your expectations and potential goals for your child.

                            #2: Your health insurance may not cover sessions

                            Depending on what health insurance you have, your child’s condition, what (if any) therapy goals can be determined, and whether you are using a private or public speech therapist, your health insurance may not cover speech therapy sessions. You will need to consult with your insurance company about what they will cover.

                            #3: You will need to work with your child at home

                            Speech therapy doesn’t begin and end at the office. You will need to work with your child regularly at home to ensure that they are using and developing the skills they learned during their therapy sessions. This means you will need to make time during your day to work with your child on speech, so plan to schedule accordingly.