Category Archives: Speech Impairment

cleft lip and palate therapy

The Smile Architects: Innovations in Cleft Lip and Palate Therapy

The field of cleft lip and palate therapy has made great progress over the years, mainly due to the devotion and inventiveness of medical professionals and researchers. These people, known as “Smile Architects,” labor relentlessly to restore not just the physical appearance but also the functionality and confidence of patients impacted by this congenital disorder. In this blog, we will look at advances in cleft lip and palate therapy and how they have transformed patients’ lives.

Understanding cleft lip and palate:

Before we get into the advances, it’s important to understand what cleft lip and palate are. Cleft lip and palate are among the most frequent congenital defects found in babies globally. Cleft lips are gaps or splits in the upper lip, whereas cleft palates are splits or openings in the mouth’s roof. These disorders develop during early pregnancy when the tissue that forms the lip or palate does not completely shut.

Impact on Individuals:

Aside from physical issues, cleft lip and palate can have a substantial impact on a person’s quality of life. Those with untreated or inadequately corrected clefts frequently endure speech difficulties, dental problems, feeding concerns, and social stigma. However, breakthroughs in therapy provide hope and methods to effectively address these issues.

Innovations in cleft lip and palate therapy:

Surgical procedures: Over time, surgical procedures for correcting cleft lips and palates have advanced dramatically. Minimally invasive methods, new imaging technologies, and novel suturing techniques have all improved surgical outcomes while minimizing scarring and recuperation time.

Orthodontic therapies: Orthodontic therapies are essential in cleft treatment, notably for aligning teeth and enhancing jaw development. Advances in orthodontic appliances and treatment regimens have allowed for more accurate and effective interventions, resulting in better long-term outcomes for patients.

Speech therapy is an essential component of cleft care, addressing the communication issues that are frequently linked with the disease. Total Speech Therapy emphasizes comprehensive interventions that include not just speech production but also language development, auditory processing, and social communication skills.

Prosthetic Solutions: Devices such as palatal obturators and speech bulbs, can improve speaking clarity and feeding efficiency for people with a cleft palate. Advances in materials and manufacturing techniques have resulted in more comfortable and functional prostheses that are suited to individual patient needs.

Recognizing the emotional impact of cleft lip and palate, holistic treatment approaches now offer extensive psychosocial support services to patients and their families. Counseling, support groups, and peer mentoring programs all help to address emotional difficulties while also promoting resilience and self-confidence.

Role of Total Speech Therapy:

Total Speech Therapy is dedicated to providing a comprehensive approach to addressing speech and language difficulties in individuals with cleft lip and palate. Unlike conventional speech therapy methods that primarily concentrate on articulation exercises, Total Speech Therapy embodies a holistic perspective, considering the entirety of communication challenges. Its emphasis lies in cultivating functional communication skills, recognizing that effective communication encompasses more than just articulating sounds accurately.

Total Speech Therapy combines approaches from several methods of therapy, including:

Articulation Therapy: It focuses on specific speech-sound problems seen in people with cleft palates, such as nasal emissions and compensatory articulations.

Language Development: Facilitating the acquisition of age-appropriate language abilities such as vocabulary, grammar, and pragmatic language (social communication).

Auditory Training: Improving auditory discrimination and processing abilities, which are frequently impaired in people with a cleft palate.

Social Communication: Addressing issues of social interaction, conversational skills, and pragmatic language use in many circumstances.

Total Speech Therapy seeks to maximize functional communication abilities and improve the overall quality of life for people with cleft lips and palates by addressing these many areas of communication. Furthermore, it enables patients to effectively navigate social and academic settings, promoting independence and self-expression.


The lives of countless people all over the world have improved thanks to advancements in cleft lip and palate therapy spearheaded by dedicated professionals known as Smile Architects. From new surgical techniques to comprehensive speech and behavioral therapy, these advances provide hope and promise to those impacted by this congenital disorder. Total Speech Therapy exemplifies a multidisciplinary approach to cleft care by emphasizing the importance of communication in improving overall well-being and quality of life. As we continue to push the boundaries of innovation and collaboration in cleft therapy, we get closer to realizing our dream of a world where every smile is brilliant and every voice is heard.

Apraxia, a complex neurological disorder affecting speech production, poses unique challenges for both individuals and speech therapists. Understanding the intricacies of this condition and implementing effective speech therapy interventions are crucial steps in helping individuals with apraxia regain their communication abilities. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of apraxia and explore various speech therapy approaches to improve speech clarity, fluency, and overall communication skills.

Understanding Apraxia:

Apraxia of speech (AOS) is a motor speech disorder characterized by difficulties in planning and coordinating the movements required for speech. Unlike other speech disorders that affect muscle strength or coordination, apraxia primarily affects the ability to execute voluntary speech movements accurately. This results in speech that is often slow, effortful, and inconsistent, with errors in sound production and sequencing.

Types of Apraxia:

  • Developmental Apraxia: Occurring in children, developmental apraxia typically manifests as delays in speech development and difficulty producing sounds, syllables, or words accurately.
  • Acquired Apraxia: Acquired apraxia is associated with neurological conditions or injuries, such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, or degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. It can manifest suddenly in adults who previously had normal speech abilities.

Signs and symptoms:

The signs and symptoms of apraxia vary depending on the severity of the condition and individual differences. Common characteristics include:

  • Inconsistent speech errors
  • Difficulty imitating speech sounds or sequences
  • Struggles with speech initiation or coordination
  • Effortful speech production
  • Increased errors with longer or more complex words or phrases


A speech-language pathologist (SLP) must conduct a thorough assessment to diagnose apraxia. This may include standardized tests, observation of speech production, and analysis of speech errors. Additionally, instrumental assessments such as MRI or CT scans may be used to rule out other neurological conditions.

Speech Therapy Approaches:

Speech therapy plays a central role in managing apraxia, primarily improving speech clarity, fluency, and overall communication effectiveness. Several evidence-based approaches and techniques are employed in speech therapy for apraxia, including:

  • Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT): PROMPT is a tactile-kinesthetic approach that involves using touch cues to guide and shape speech movements. This hands-on technique helps individuals with apraxia coordinate and produce speech sounds more accurately.
  • Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach: The SOS approach focuses on gradually introducing and integrating different food textures and flavors to improve oral motor skills and feeding abilities in individuals with apraxia.
  • Motor Learning Principles: Motor learning principles emphasize repetitive practice, feedback, and task variation to facilitate motor skill acquisition and retention in individuals with apraxia. Therapy activities may include practicing speech drills, imitating models, and engaging in functional communication tasks.
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): AAC strategies, such as picture communication boards, speech-generating devices, or sign language, can provide alternative means of communication for individuals with severe apraxia or limited verbal abilities.
  • Cueing Techniques: Cueing techniques involve providing visual, auditory, or tactile cues to facilitate speech production and improve accuracy in individuals with apraxia. This may include modeling, gesturing, or using visual prompts to support speech attempts.
  • Intensive Therapy Programs: Intensive therapy programs, such as the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) for individuals with Parkinson’s disease, may also benefit individuals with apraxia by focusing on intensive, high-effort practice to improve speech clarity and volume.

Tailoring Treatment to Individual Needs:

Effective speech therapy for apraxia involves tailoring treatment approaches to meet the unique needs and abilities of each individual. This may include:

  • Setting realistic and achievable goals based on the individual’s strengths and challenges.
  • Incorporating functional and meaningful activities that relate to the individual’s daily life and communication needs.
  • Collaborating with family members, caregivers, and other professionals to provide consistent support and reinforcement.

The Role of Family and Caregivers:

Family involvement is crucial in supporting individuals with apraxia throughout their therapy journey. Educating family members and caregivers about apraxia and providing them with strategies for facilitating communication at home can enhance the effectiveness of therapy and promote the generalization of skills in real-life settings.

Apraxia poses significant challenges for individuals striving to communicate effectively, but with the help of skilled speech therapists and evidence-based interventions, progress is possible. By understanding the underlying mechanisms of apraxia, implementing tailored speech therapy approaches, and fostering collaboration between therapists, individuals with apraxia can improve their communication abilities and enhance their overall quality of life. Through ongoing support, patience, and dedication, we can unravel the complexities of apraxia and empower individuals to express themselves confidently and fluently.

Communication is essential to human contact because it enables us to convey not just our thoughts and feelings but also our requirements. The process of moving from recognizing individual sounds to putting those sounds together in meaningful words is a natural transition for many children. On the other hand, the phonological delays that affect some youngsters present obstacles along this path. Phonological delays can have an impact on a child’s ability to correctly produce and sequence speech sounds, which can then affect the child’s entire communication abilities. This is where phonological delay therapy comes in, and children in the Baltimore and Houston areas have access to phonological delay therapists who are trained experts who offer individualized solutions.

Understanding Phonological Delay: A Closer Look

Phonological delay is a type of speech problem that makes it difficult for a kid to establish speech patterns that are acceptable for their age. Children who have phonological delays may have trouble articulating certain sounds or employing them in the appropriate context. This can make it difficult for them to communicate effectively. This can make it difficult to create words, interpret language, and eventually construct sentences due to the difficulties involved. Intervention starting at an early age is absolutely necessary since correcting phonological delays can prevent these issues from having an influence on a child’s overall language development and academic success.

The Role of a Speech Pathologist

Speech pathologists are highly trained experts who are specialists in correcting phonological problems. They are readily available to families living in Baltimore and Houston. These professionals are committed to assisting youngsters in overcoming difficulties with their speech and developing skills that will help them communicate effectively. Speech pathologists, via individualized evaluation and treatment, come up with specialized intervention plans that are catered to the particular requirements of each kid.

First, a speech pathologist will perform an in-depth evaluation of the child in order to pinpoint the exact speech sounds that the child has difficulty producing. This evaluation includes monitoring the child’s speech patterns, searching for errors, and gaining knowledge of the factors that are contributing to the phonological delay. The speech pathologist will use this information to create a targeted therapy plan for the child that will address the particular issues that the child is dealing with.

Pediatric Speech Therapy: A Multifaceted Approach

The treatment of phonological deficits in children at Baltimore and Houston, the pediatric speech therapy centers utilizes a multipronged strategy. Taking into account the fact that every child is an individual, therapists adopt a wide range of strategies in order to make treatment sessions interesting and productive for their patients. These sessions frequently involve exercises that focus on the generation of sounds, the discrimination of sounds, the sequencing of sounds, and the comprehension of words. Children are inspired to participate actively in treatment sessions and to achieve progress when the sessions are made engaging and enjoyable for them.

Children’s Speech Therapy: Building Blocks of Communication

In Baltimore and  Houston, speech therapy for children places an emphasis on developing the fundamental skills necessary for communication. The goal of the therapy session with a child is to determine which speech sounds the child has difficulty producing and then work with the child to build techniques to enhance their articulation. Children are encouraged to practice making these sounds in a variety of circumstances through the use of games and activities that are fun. Children eventually progress from producing single sounds to more complex word structures as they gain greater confidence in their ability to accurately make sounds as they learn to speak.

Phonological Delay Therapy: Guiding Progression

Children undergoing phonological delay therapy are led through a process that begins with the production of individual sounds and progresses all the way up to the construction of sentences. A methodical technique is used by therapists, in which they first assist children in mastering one sound before going on to the next. Because of this systematic approach, children are able to construct a solid foundation and grow in self-assurance at each successive step. When assisted in this process by a qualified speech pathologist, children are able to learn how to generalize their recently acquired speech abilities into everyday conversations.

The Journey from Sounds to Sentences: Milestones

There are a number of significant landmarks along the path that leads from having difficulty with individual sounds to being able to build words. These benchmarks demonstrate the growth that children are experiencing as a result of the phonological delay therapy they are receiving:

Sound Mastery: Children practice mastering the individual sounds that they have difficulty with as part of the sound mastery curriculum. A speech pathologist teaches them how to position their tongues and move their air appropriately for each sound.

Sound Combinations: When a youngster has mastered the separate sounds that make up a word, the next step is for them to combine those sounds into basic syllables and words. During this period, youngsters are given the opportunity to practice transitioning between sounds.

Word Formation: Young children begin to form words as soon as they feel comfortable with the various combinations of sounds. They improve their total vocabulary by learning to tie sounds together to produce meaningful words, which helps them do so.

Sentence Construction: After they have established a strong foundation, students are ready to move on to the next step, which is building sentences. When expressing their thoughts and ideas, they acquire the ability to do so while using correct grammar and syntax.

Empowering Children Through Phonological Delay Therapy

Children who have phonological delays can be helped to overcome communication difficulties and reach their full potential through phonological delay therapy. Children can develop not just their speaking abilities but also their self-assurance in their capacity to communicate clearly and effectively with the help of a speech pathologist. As kids go from creating individual sounds to crafting sentences, they acquire the tools necessary to communicate coherently and take part in meaningful conversations. This allows them to progress from producing individual sounds to crafting sentences.

Phonological delay therapy is a voyage of transformation, taking patients from sounds to phrases and everywhere in between. Children who have phonological delays may be able to overcome obstacles and flourish in their communication abilities if they are provided with support from committed specialists working in the field of pediatric speech therapy in the Baltimore and Houston areas. Children are given the tools they need to navigate their way toward clear and confident communication through the use of early intervention and individualized therapy sessions, which set the scene for success. Children develop the knowledge, abilities, and confidence in themselves that are necessary for them to connect with the world around them and communicate effectively as they progress through the many developmental milestones. In the event that you have reason to believe that your child is experiencing difficulty due to phonological delays, obtaining the assistance of a speech pathologist can make a world of difference in their ability to communicate effectively.

The majority of speech and language disorders are detected early on. This is typically observed during the early stages of language development when the child first begins to experiment with sound production. But stuttering typically starts between the ages of two and three, when children begin stringing words into sentences.

What is stuttering?

Repetition of words or phrases is often the earliest indicator of stuttering. You may also notice repetitive and prolonged sounds, speech blockages, and difficulty speaking. There are a wide variety of hypotheses have been proposed to explain the phenomenon of stuttering in children. However, none of these things are completely known. Today, brain scans can be performed with relative ease, helping us learn more about the neural mechanisms at play during stuttering. These scans prove that stuttering results from a glitch in the brain’s handling of speech signals.

There is strong evidence that genetics play a role in stuttering, as approximately 60% of people who stutter also have a family history of stuttering. However, the exact mechanisms by which stuttering is passed down from generation to generation remain unclear. In a recent study, researchers tracked the development of a large sample of infants and toddlers. Results showed that 11% of children’s stuttering had started by age 4. Most children who stutter in preschool outgrow it by the time they’re teenagers, but it’s difficult to predict which kids will make a full recovery.

As a developmental disability, stuttering can prevent a child from reaching his or her full academic and professional potential, making early intervention crucial.

The earlier a stuttering problem is treated, the better the outcome. This is because it is much more challenging to treat children who are older than 6 years old. If not addressed until adolescence, the problem can persist throughout life. As soon as parents become aware of their child’s stuttering, they should consult a speech therapist for assistance.

The advantages of early intervention for stutteringĀ 

Those who stutter have the best chance of success if they begin treatment as soon as they are diagnosed. The research shows that the chances of a child recovering from stuttering with the help of speech therapy are increased by nearly eight times if treatment begins early.

If your child is stuttering, speech therapy should be started immediately. Your child can overcome his or her stuttering and learn to speak fluently and confidently with the help of stuttering therapy.

The goals of treating stuttering with speech therapy are as follows:

  • Reduce the frequency of stuttering
  • Reduce the stress associated with public speaking
  • Reduce word omissions
  • Enhance your communication abilities

Total Speech Therapy has a team of speech pathologists who collaborate with you and your child to meet their needs.

How Do You Know When You Need a Speech Evaluation?

It is common for children to stutter and have less than perfect fluency as they develop their speaking skills. Parents may worry that their child is stuttering because of the frequency with which they repeat words or phrases.

If parents notice their child stutters for more than six months, if the stuttering begins after the age of three, or if stuttering runs in the family, they should take their child to a specialist.

If your child starts to feel uncomfortable when they have to communicate, it’s best to schedule an appointment with us. Some parents may recognize avoidance reactions in their children, such as head nodding, excessive use of filler words such as “um,” abandoning a thought in the middle of a sentence, or changing the words they are saying.

Children who stutter typically experience social anxiety as a result of the condition, which can be extremely embarrassing for them in various settings. It is possible for people who stutter to develop social anxiety, in which they become terrified of speaking in front of other people, which can lead to chronic stuttering. People who stutter can develop severe anxiety if they aren’t given the proper treatment. It’s embarrassing for them to interact with others, whether it’s in a group or one-on-one. This can be a very difficult process, but learning strategies to improve one’s speech can help one overcome their embarrassment.

Our expertise and unique approach to treating speech, language, swallowing, and stuttering make us one of the best speech centers in both Baltimore and Houston. You won’t have to leave your house because we’ll come to you instead. We guarantee the highest quality of care and the most positive outcomes wherever you are, whether that’s at home, in a hospital, a school, or a daycare. At Total Speech Therapy, we also provide high-quality outpatient speech therapy services on an individual basis. Book a private consultation by calling 410-696-3301 or writing to

Speech Therapy for Older Persons Living in Assisted-Living Homes

It is known too many healthcare providers who have worked with us in the past few years that Total Speech Therapy’s lead SLP Ms. Yasminah Abdullah’s has placed a particular focus on treating older indivisuals with speech irregularities or impairment. Because of Ms. Abdullah’s training, past work experience and community involvement we’ve been heavily involved in evaluating and treating patients in assisted-living communities and from the geriatric population.

The evaluation and treatment services we provide to adults in assisted-living homes covers diagnosis such as:

  • Stroke
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Neuromuscular speech disorders resulting from Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and other conditions (F e., Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome)
  • Geriatric-related conditions (patient/family education and counseling for Dementia)

We Understand our Patient’s Needs

Here at Total Speech therapy, we understand that the process of adapting to and overcoming communication challenges can seem overwhelming, both for the person dealing with the affliction, as well as for his or her family. This keen awareness is demonstrated in our compassion for people and trying our best to help them achieve optimum communication.
Through years of clinical experience, we’ve achieved excellent treatment results especially in the areas of the brain and nervous system disorders that inhibit communication, motor speech disorders, difficulties with swallowing, and cognitive-communication issues.
We Travel To You!

In our years of experience, we have seen significant treatment results when we are able to work with patients in their own environments. Traveling to the patient allows us to interact and work with them in a comfortable and familiar setting, which produces optimal results. Another benefit of having mobile therapists is that we have an opportunity to communicate with the primary healthcare providers, which enables us to work effectively within the targets set for the patient.

Total Speech-Language Pathologists, hold the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s (ASHA’s) certification of clinical competence (CCC-SLP) and are licensed by the state of Maryland to provide speech-language pathology services, we participate in continuing education in order to ensure the most up-to-date knowledge, skills and abilities; in order to provide the highest quality therapy services.
Financial Arrangements

Total Speech Therapy Services participates in Medicare and most of the major insurance carriers, managed care organizations, etc. An office manager can answer any further questions patients/physicians have regarding insurance at the time of the referral.